Nix controls all dependencies precisely and sandboxes all of the builds. Save debugging time by making it easy to reproduce CI or production errors locally. Never think about cache invalidation again.
With today's polyglot environments, each language has its own way of building and testing. Encourage cross-team development by providing a single way of building everything.
Use the same tool to build one project or even one hundred projects, configure machines and deploy to the cloud. Thanks to the extensible Nix language, it's easy to compose parts together with little overhead.
Take advantage of more than 10,000 predefined build expressions, including security updates.
Nix allows to easily share build results across machines. If the CI has built the project, developers or servers can download the build results instead of re-building the same thing.
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Our second-generation platform is based upon NixOS. We are currently providing a subset of the features and components that are available on our first-generation Gentoo-based platform.
We use NixOS to power our fleet of image-analysis servers which are detecting available space to park your bicycle in Dutch bicycle parking facilities. We have a cluster of machines running NixOS at a professional hosting provider powering our web-based management system. We use the whole eco-system: nixpkgs, NixOS, nixops and hydra.
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